Friday, March 4, 2011

Recycle or Not?

There is always a lot of discussion about recycling previous PNQ's if you passed the written test in an earlier iteration. I guess I fall into the camp that if they are your very best stories that specifically answer the questions, then you should use them again. I am going to practice what I preach. However, this time around we have six questions to answer, and the sixth question is more like a mini-SOI than a PNQ per se.

The PNQ's tend to be pretty static, but one of them was worded a bit differently so I will tweak that PNQ to answer the specific tweak in the question. I have great stories that address leadership, management, and cross-cultural compatibility so there is no reason to mess with them, and I am changing one PNQ to add a newer experience. I think the mini-SOI will be the hardest to write because there are a lot of questions to address in 1300 characters. This was a really good addition to the PNQ phase IMO.

It seems as if the bar has been raised and fewer applicants are getting through the QEP phase which is why I am sticking with my very best stories. I am on the record and we'll see what happens.


  1. I recycled last year... and it didn't go so well.
    But thenagain, I've heard complicated math speculations about how your FSOT matters well beyond passing/notpassing it.
    Who knows..
    I think it was a good decision to edit for sure. It's been a year. You may be the same person, but you've a better writer and have had more time to put those stories in perspective.. and clearly have experienced a whole lot more.
    Good luck! I'm rooting for ya.

  2. I definitely am not going into this with the mind set that since they worked last year they should work again.
