Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Job Offer

Just had a conference call with the NGO that I did some pro bono work with in the Middle East, and they want me to join them full-time. The position would be to lead their entrepreneurial economic programs in the West Bank and Gaza as well as a little work in Egypt. I would be living in East Jerusalem and I could work out of my home in the US about a third of the time.

We are going to have a family pow wow later to discuss.


  1. Congrats on your job offer!! It's always good to be wanted. Good luck weighing the options with your family. Best wishes.

  2. It definitely does feel good to be wanted, but at the same time feel like the dog that has been chasing the car, what now? After grinding out the FSO process and making it back to the OA it will be hard to walk away from it.

  3. The best of luck. I'd be uber surprised if you don't make the register this time.
    Go get em'
    Can't wait for the recap.
    Meanwhile, can't the NGO find you something less permanent to do ? something 6-12 monthsish ? Sounds like they want you bad enough...

  4. That sounds absolutely fabulous! What an exciting time to be doing economic work in the West Bank and Gaza. I taught English in East Jerusalem for about a year in 2009-2010 and it has a special place in my heart. I'll look forward to reading about your work and life there!

  5. I am trying not to get too excited about this opportunity so I can finally bear down and start prepping for the OA. I still think I need to see it through, but the prospects of doing that sort of work in the West Bank and Gaza is hard to pass up.

  6. Wow, what an incredible opportunity, mixed in with some hard choices. Wishing you the best in whatever direction you go.
