Friday, July 15, 2011

OA Scores

My FOIA request for my OA scores showed up today, and boy was I surprised. The one thing you learn going through this is you really have no idea how things are evaluated. I really thought I did well on the GE, OK on the SI, and I knew that I didn't pass the CM, but didn't know if I blew it.

We are out of town so I had a friend read me the breakdown. I passed the GE with a 5.3. On the SI I scored a 5.7 on experience and motivation, 5.6 on past behavior, and a whopping 4.8 on the hypothetical for a 5.4 total score. I wound up with a 4.9 on the CM so I didn't totally blow it.

While I didn't pass the CM, the hypotheticals did me in. I actually thought I did OK on them so need to go back to the drawing board.

I have a week to put in some solid prep next week so with the actual scores now have a better idea what to focus on. I am looking forward to round two of this, and with an offer in hand will definitely be relaxed and see if I can improve a bit on the CM, GE, and hypotheticlas.


  1. Good idea on getting the OA breakdowns. I never thought to do that. Best of luck on the next round!

  2. After not passing last August I procrastinated sending off my FOIA request, and it took almost four months to the day to get them. There isn't any other useful information than the breakdown. However, seeing the actual numbers has been very useful since I thought I sort of stumbled through the first part of the SI, but scored very well on that section.

    As I am sitting here trying to practice for next Monday's OA I was trying to reflect back on how I thought I did at the time versus my actual scores. It has been hard to get motivated for it believe it or not.

    The only thing I am fairly certain about on the GE is that you can probably fail it on the presentation, but a solid presentation doesn't by itself get you a high score. I was the only one in my group to finish in time to ask questions, and the one other person in our group who passed the GE and passed overall didn't even finish her presentation when she was cut off by the examiners.

    Thanks and good luck to you as well. I read your advice about the PNQ phase and think it was right on the money. The only thing I did differently was not following a 3-5 paragraph format.
